Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch meets at 12 noon on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. We will be starting a new book, Finding Peace in an Anxious World by Rev. Mark Flynn in September. Contact Marion Thomas for information about current book and book copies or for the Zoom or phone link.
Immanuel – God with Us
Continue with a quiet focus on God’s presence in our lives. Join Kate Sampson for a virtual time of guided prayer and meditation, Wednesday, September 1st, at 7:00 P.M. over Zoom. Contact us for a Zoom link.
RMM Work Day
CPC members and families are invited to join the Volunteer Clean-up Day on Sunday, September 19, 1-5 pm at the Rural and Migrant Ministry’s Grail location,124 Duncan Avenue, Cornwall on Hudson.
Holy Ground
All ages are invited to walk the labyrinth on the RMM/Grail grounds on Saturday morning, September 25.