“We are taught that all the endowments which we possess are divine deposits entrusted to us for the very purpose of being distributed for the good of our neighbor.”
John Calvin
Thank you for considering a gift to Cornwall Presbyterian Church. Your tithes and offerings enable the church to fulfill our mission. Your giving is an act of worship and makes possible all the diverse ministries of the church.
All giving information is kept confidential by Cornwall Presbyterian Church.
Gift Designation
Operating – Support for the daily operation of church, such as salaries, utilities, etc. (Annual pledges and offering support these expenses.)
Mission – Budget for support of mission work of our partners.
- Loaves and Fishes
- Habitat for Humanity
- Presbyterian Blanket Fund
- Grandma “B” Fund
- Others
*If you wish to support a specific mission, please indicate when making your donation.
Backpacks for Food (BFF) – Supports CPC’s community-based mission program providing food over the weekends during the school year to children in need. www.cornwallbff.org
Stewardship Pledge
Pledges are always welcome. You many make a pledge via our online giving page or the linked Pledge Form can be sent via mail or email.
Cornwall Presbyterian Church encourages members to give with regularly scheduled donations. This is the most convenient way to give at any designated level. Payments can be changed or stopped at any time. You may designate your donation to various church missions or programs on a one-time or repeated basis at any time
Set up CPC as a regular payee in your personal online banking account, as you would other regular payees. If you choose this method, be sure to note if you would like your funds designated (see above designations.) Please use the church’s address: 222 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520.
Online Giving/Pledge
Does your credit card offer frequent-flyer miles or cash-back award? You can now make your one-time or regular donations using a debit or credit card using our online giving site.
By Check or Cash
Make checks payable to Cornwall Presbyterian Church and mail to 222 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520. Of course, checks or cash may also be given during the Offering at Sunday services.
Giving Stock or Mutual Funds
Some members gain tax advantages by donating appreciated stock or mutual funds. Others make direct rollovers to CPC from an IRA. Contact the church office for information on these types of donations.
Gifts-in-Kind or Property
Tangible personal property may be accepted with the prior approval of the Stewardship Committee or its designee, as well as Session.
Endowment Giving
Cornwall Presbyterian Church offers additional ways to support special long-term projects of the church including Capital Improvement Projects. You may also ask the church to set up a Named Endowment Fund if you are donating $10,000 or more and wish to designate it towards a purpose and may decide if only interest may be used or principal and interest. Please contact the church office if you are interested in more information.
““Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
— John Wesley