“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.”

Psalm 100

Rejoice and Ring Handbells

On almost every Thursday evening, the Rejoice and Ring handbell choir gathers to rehearse and enjoy each other’s company.  From September to June, personnel permitting, we aim to perform once a month, usually the first Sunday, and specifically for Christmas Eve, during the Easter season, and for BachFest in the summer. We must have enough bell-ringers to cover the bells but this is often a challenge.  There is always a need for an extra bell-ringer to substitute as needed.  Regular participation is preferred but not required.  Prior experience is desired but not required. However, a healthy sense of humor is required.  Come and join us!  



Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings, immediately after handbell choir practice.  We sing mostly in 4 parts (SATB) but sometimes in 2-parts, and have a repertoire of old favorites and more recent inspirational anthems.  We join with singers from other Cornwall area churches for the Cornwall Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service.  Regular participation is preferred but not required. Music reading skills are not required but a fun personality is. 

Taize Music Group

For instrumentalists, Taize music is beautiful, meditative, and suitable for a number of melodic instruments: guitar, flute, violin, piano, etc. Let us know if you would like to participate, mostly during Lent but for other reflective times.

Ruthanne Schempf at Piano

Dr. Ruthanne Schempf

For more information on becoming a part of these ensembles, contact Dr. Ruthanne Schempf