“Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary use words.”
– St. Francis of Assisi
We understand Christian service to be a core part of our identity as Christian people. We have many opportunities to serve through our church life.
Serve on Sundays
Sunday mornings are a vibrant time for our congregation. There are many ways to be involved with our worship service and Christian Education programs, including serving as an usher or lay reader, and assisting with Sunday School.
Help Care for Our Congregation
Our congregation cares for one another in significant ways. Come and be a part of our Prayer Team, help meet individual needs through our Care Team or Sunshine Team, or join our Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Our Congregational Care Committee is dedicated to providing comfort and assistance. Our Prayer Team would love to pray for you and with you. Our Sunshine Team is happy to provide meals in times of need. Our Care Tree offers ongoing support for those with continuing needs. We invite you to contact Pat Parker or Jim Leiner, Co-Chairs of the Congregational Care Committee, or Pastor Tricia with any needs or prayer requests. Prayer requests can also be submitted through a button on the front page of our website. If you are able to be a part with one of the care teams, we would love to add you to this ministry!
Join Us in Mission
Our congregation serves the community with food donations to Newburgh Ministry, weekend food to our area school children through Backpacks for Food, a growing partnership with Rural and Migrant Ministry, and many other meaningful gifts of service.
Special Events
We have many events throughout the year that require organization and helping hands. We will let you know of these opportunities as they arise!